Portfólio de Fotografias - Pedro Luz Cunha
Brazilian National Congress and Esplanade of Ministries Brazilian National Congress - Chamber of Deputies - Bowl Christchurch Park, St. Margaret's Church,Ipswich, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom Normand Round Tower Church Fish and Chips, quayside, Walberswick, Suffolk, England, Europe St. Margaret's C of E, Christchurch Park, Ipswich, Suffolk, England King's Head Inn, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England Light Shade and Window - King's Head Inn - Woodbridge, Suffolk St Martin-in-the-Fields Church,Trafalgar Square London, England St Martin-in-the-Fields Church,Trafalgar Square London, England The Harbour Inn, Dusk, Southwold, Suffolk, England, Europe

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photographer Pedro Luz Cunha.
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St. Margaret's C of E, Christchurch Park, Ipswich, Suffolk, England

Christchurch Park, Ipswich, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom
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photographer: Pedro Luz Cunha | shooting date: 04 Jan 2006 (Wednesday) | country: United Kingdom | location: Ipswich, Suffolk | in galleries: United Kingdom, Architecture | categories: All, Travel, History, Cityscapes, Architecture | currently browsing: sort by: publish order (asc), category: All
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